Each of us needs to give as much priority to the planet as to our own selves. The state of the environment is intrinsically linked our well-being and our needs – we have ample evidence to prove this.
As individuals, we can contribute a lot. But as groups, our achievements can be traced on an exponential trajectory. Thus the importance of environmental clubs.
What are Environmental Clubs?
Collectives of individuals committed to caring about the planet we reside in. These can be within schools, colleges / universities, offices and neighbourhoods.
Goals and Objectives
While each club can develop their own approach to making a difference, the broad objectives include:
* Understand the issues through research and discussions.
* Identify possible solutions of the issues at hand.
* Select areas you will work on. You cannot do everything.
* Create awareness to enlist support – moral and physical.
* Mobilise people and resources required to meet your goals.
* Act on whatever you have set out to do.
* Reflect from time to time. Take stock and make modifications as required.
* Amplify your efforts to inform and inspire others – so they too may join the cause.
Starting Out
Every club starts with a small group of enthusiasts, who come in with an open mind about the cause. Discuss ideas, come up with a mission statement (which can be modified anytime) and warm up with short-term and achievable activities. An early sense of accomplishment will attract more members, and you can then dive deeper into issues requiring longer term efforts.
Running the Club
You need to be disciplined and organized to get things done. Hold regular meetings, take decisions, follow-up and monitor activities you have committed to and record minutes. Communicate all progress to members and any other stakeholders.
It may be advisable to have a time-bound project-based approach. It could be a target for tree plantation, a report on the cost-benefit-impact comparison of renewable and traditional sources of energy, convening a court (despite it not having a legal standing) to hear arguments about rights of nature and making recommendations to lawmakers, moving (partially at least) to solar-powered energy within your organization and so on.
The important thing is to stay active, and broad-base participation. Some activities will stay mostly symbolic, while others may make a stronger impact. But in all this, you will be educating, sensitising and changing people slowly but surely. Till a tipping point comes, in the planet’s favour.
Why Do You Want to Do This?
You are initiating and participating in an environmental club only because you want to make a difference. To the planet, and thus to your own life. With a positively cascading effect on the future.
Don’t make the individual greater than the cause. Don’t do it just to look good, to earn credits towards admissions and grades, to get favourable press. Don’t indulge in greenwashing. It is better to do nothing than such a disservice.
Are You Ready? We Are Here to Lend a Hand!
Call a meeting of a few people and make the initial plan. And resolve to stay the course.
Give your club a name and design a logo. Set up social media handles. Divide responsibilities. And plant a tree to inaugurate your club.
Feel free to contact us for ideas, networking, access to information and resources and more. We would be happy to share your stories on our blogs, social media and even with other media.